When your weekend involves fresh clam chowder on the steps of Pike Place Market, rooftop happy hours surrounded by the most amazing badass boss ladies, a hard hat tour of a beautiful new hotel about to open, a dance party with Issa Rae and a never ending restaurant adventure that a true Seattle local would be proud of, you know it was a good weekend. Our Apron Lady packed her bags and headed up to the PNW for Create & Cultivate's Seattle Conference this past weekend while squeezing in all the incredible goodness that the coastal city has to offer. Trust us, she would be proud to be your tour guide. Take a look at the list below for the ultimate itinerary, plus her favorite moments at C&C's conference!
- Pike Place Market and get fresh clam chowder, Ellenos Real Greek Yogurt, and Rachel's Ginger Beer, the drink of choice in Seattle.
- Macarons from Amandine's Bakeshop and give Bruce, an #ApronSquad rockstar, a huge hug for us.
- AND Bruce's second spot, Marmite, the ultimate community driven restaurant that not only serves amazing food but also connects to four other businesses including a cheese store and handmade jewelry shop - yes, Bruce is the coolest.
- London Plane will just make you so happy. From the food, flowers, restaurant design and bakery, quote Ellen's "jaw-dropped multiple times."
- Grab the Mini Burger from Bar Melusine.
- Dino's Tomato Pie - the best "grubby" pizza - the perfect pair with Seattle's weather.
- Tarsan i Jane - an #ApronSquad restaurant since year one and to match their proper badass aprons, they serve up a proper badass paella that will blow your socks off.

- Fresh oysters from Walrus and Carpenter. Hands-down the best way to end your day in Seattle.
- The list just goes on and on! Whale Wins, Junebaby, Le Pichet, Sikta + Spruce and The Roosevelt Hotel opening soon!
Ellen with her "Creating a Product, Raising Money and Surviving Year One" panel members - aka some really cool badass boss ladies.
"I'm always trying to use H&B's platform for good and this conference is a direct way to know that I can make a difference with my story and brand. It's truly amazing to see 1,000 women come together, share advice and help aspiring women entrepreneurs to make it in the world, it's all about going full circle." - Ellen, Apron Boss Lady